Our Company

We are a locally owned and operated company that values honesty and integrity in all aspects of our business. Not only are we focused on quality work and outstanding results, we are also committed to educating our clients through our wide range of expertise, in turn creating a level of value unmatched by any of our competitors.

"Torres Masonry has grown to one of the largest masonry contractors in the Hendersonville area. We specialize in commercial, industrial, brick and stone. In our 25 years of business experience!"

Brick and stone materials come with several advantages, and consequently, they are often used in construction. When contacting a masonry company for the first time, start by checking their prices and their services. Torres Masonry offers a great relationship Quality Price. 

Once our repairs are done we will seal the stone or brick to help protect it and hopefully eliminate the need to repair again. Torres Masonry can repair commercial brick and stone work or repair historic buildings and properties as well. 

Masonry tuckpointing is the act of removing the old and/or damaged mortar and packing fresh mortar between the existing masonry units eliminating potential leaks, improving the overall structural support, and restoring the integrity & aesthetic value of your brick, block or stone masonry. 

Torres Masonry has grown to one of the largest masonry contractors in the Hendersonville area.

We specialize in commercial, industrial, brick and stone. In our 25 years of business experience!

We are a locally owned and operated company that values honesty and integrity in all aspects of our business.

© 2022. Torres Masonry LLC. All rights reserved.

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